Hello Everyone,
Good News Ministries, Inc was founded 16 years ago. We've gone to lots of truck stops, gave out lots of tracts, tapes, cd's and bibles (much to numerous to count). We've seen alot of truckers saved and many not so saved. We've traveled alot of miles and seen alot of faces but the best part is knowing we were doing it for the Lord Jesus, serving Him the best we could with what we had to work with.
That hasen't changed, although the finances are just not there anymore, not since November has there been a donation. We are still working with what we have, although MAN says it is over, God has not given up on us or the truck driver. God still wants that all be saved and that includes the truck driver and his family. Romans 11:29 "For the gifts and calling of God are without repentence" (God will not change his mind about the calling)
We have not given up, nor have we stopped doing truck ministry. GNM has just taken another turn into unfamiliar territory, so we keep on keeping on, doing what we have been doing. Putting our hands to the plow and not turning back, looking forward, never straying to the right or to the left, but keeping our eyes fully on Jesus Christ and the finish line.
There are alot of truck ministries out on the road today, and many of the truckers have picked up the cd's from us or from others and duplicated them and are passing them out themselves. What better ministry is that, then to have a trucker ministering to another trucker??? Like a cowboy to cowboy or football player to a football player or poor person to a poor person or actor to actor....whatever the case. People listen to those who are like minded and understand where that person is coming from.
So the truck ministry still continues whether you desire it to continue or not.......it will continue because God is in it and God disires that ALL BE SAVED!!!!!
So ends my little "soapbox preach".........hope you all have a great day and remember when you see a truck driver, they have a soul too, and that soul is going to spend eternity someplace, whether it be heaven or hell. So have compassion for them........Jesus does.
JP and Louise